If lab employees have noticed an increase in workloads or are having trouble keeping up with the existing requests, it may be due to inefficiencies in the lab setup. Outdated equipment may not meet current demand, while workflows may be ineffective due to a physical bottleneck in the laboratory. Any delay in testing can cause a backlog, which increases the time it takes for patients to get their results.
Upgrading the layout and removing barriers to testing processes can encourage streamlined operations. That’s because older labs may have an outdated infrastructure, design or layout that’s preventing the lab from reaching its full potential. Adding headcount will not solve the problem if the lab is already working at full capacity.
In addition, outdated plumbing, electrical and HVAC systems may keep employees from getting the water, electricity, and heating and cooling needed to work efficiently and be comfortable. Any safety concerns, such as a lack of easily accessible emergency exits, poor lighting or inadequate chemical storage, should also prompt updates.