Q: Why should physicians and surgery centers consider partnering with Lyft?
A: Using our service is a quick and efficient way to get patients to their healthcare providers. This helps ensure they are not missing appointments and moving to a further disease state. We’re trying to tackle the social determinants of why someone would miss an appointment by creating programs for patients to come in and not worry about their family members or someone else having to drive them, especially for recurring appointments. Lyft allows patients to show up and leave on time. It’s good for business. Saving money and helping serve more patients is our general mission. We’re giving care providers time back for what they do best, which is saving lives rather than worrying about how a patient is going to get to and from appointments.
Q: How does the Lyft rideshare service work?
A: We use a web-based service called Lyft Concierge that lets you arrange a ride on behalf of someone else. They’re not using the consumer-grade app. Instead, there is a desktop version of Lyft that connects to our network of drivers. You schedule a ride for the patient, so the patient doesn’t need a smartphone, which is nice. If you have an elderly patient or someone who’s not technologically savvy, as long as their phone can receive an SMS text, which is pretty much every phone, they can get the Lyft service.
If your goal for 2020 is to mitigate missed appointments, like for oncology or dialysis, where you have patients coming in regularly, start there. We can roll out the service in that department, then move to other areas. In some cases, like for a large multifacility provider, we’ll see that a facility is rural. It’s hard to get to, so start there.